May 30, 2009

Tasty treat from KAMPS!



Kamps! My favorite bakery here in Germany, because of its Berliner Pfannkuchen and Rosinenschnecke....hmmm sehr lecker!!
Actually Berliner is a doughnut, fried in oil, with jam filling and icing sugar on top, while Rosinenschnecke is a snail dough with 10 cm diameter, and peppered with raisins. I have bought them in another several bakeries, but none of them are comparable with those in Kamps!
Lecker Lecker Lecker!!


novinataliya said...

i want berliner..
take 'em here
looks lecker

Poodeww said...

takut ngempes nov..hehe gw coba dulu ya gimana klo tuh berliner didiemin 15 jam..ok!